I love shoes. Those who know me know I love shoes. They're a fun way to spice up any outfit. I am not one for uncomfortable shoes so I don't even bother with such things.
This last Christmas, a friend of mine gave me a pair of shoes. He bought them secondhand. I know many people can get a little iffy when you mention the word 'secondhand', but I assure you, some good purchases can be made secondhand. While these shoes may be clearly previously worn (scuffed), it gives them a certain charm. I wear these when feeling punk, and I often wonder who it was wore them before me. What did they do to give them such a scuff? Were they in a club, stage diving as they churned out the tunes? Were they doing something less glamorous like tripping over their own feet?
I wouldn't exactly reccomend these for hiking or running or anything, but they're fun shoes nonetheless.

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